Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Horizon teaching

For someone who's not much of a techno-pro, and not currently teaching a class, I'll admit I was having a hard time connecting with the teaching-potential of the horizon technologies we talked about in class last week.  With the exception of MOOCs! 
My current "intended" career path is to teach at a 4-year college someday, and I have to say, this leaves me feeling a bit conflicted about the pro's and cons of this technology.  I'm really 100% excited about everyone everywhere (with a computer and internet connection) being able to access top-notch lectures and courses in a huge variety of fields - it might help even the playing field for accessing a "good" education, as well as encourage more life-long learning - very exciting!!   I guess the other side that I'm interested in knowing about is how (whether?) traditional colleges plan to stay in business if people can access high quality teaching for free and maybe even get some certificates to demonstrate mastery of courses?  I'm on the fence about whether the merits of a traditional college learning environment outweigh the cost (financial and opportunity cost)...   More chewing this over later...